Unraveling Anxiety’s Grip
Are you trapped in a cycle of anxiety? In today's stress-filled world, persistent anxiety is common, but it can be overcome. This article explores the roots of anxiety, from risk factors to its many faces. Discover the surprising link between gut health and anxiety, and learn how to manage this condition through non-medical approaches like lifestyle changes and stress reduction techniques.
A Day in the Life of Dr. Joan
Curious about the daily life of a physician on a mission? Peek into my daily routine, a blend of self-care rituals, impactful work, and moments of rejuvenation. Discover the keys to a balanced life and how I strive to make each day count.
Foreword: The Abundant Life
Explore the profound journey of existence from the moment we draw our first breath to the choices that shape our path. Join us in delving into the factors that influence our decisions, from family and relationships to marriage, parenting, and finances. Uncover the keys to living a fulfilling life with no regrets and embracing what we call an abundant life. Cheers to a life well lived!